Associate Professors
Associate Professor CAO Qiaozhen
来源: 发布时间:2015-12-14

Basic Information


CAO Qiaozhen



Academic Title

Associate Professor



Research interest

Applied Linguistics

Brief Introduction

Cao Qiaozhen is an associate professor of English and linguistics with interests in applied linguistics at Beihang University. She received her M.A. in English Language and Literature from Beijing Normal University in 2001. She worked as a visiting scholar from 2014 to 2015 with Professor Alfred Snider at the University of Vermont.

Professor Cao has won various teaching awards for the last 10 years, including First Prize in the “Teaching Competition For University Teachers in Beijing”, “Distinguished Innovation in Education” Award from Beijing Municipality,Rising Star of Blue Sky Program” Award from Beihang University.

Professor Cao’s research focuses mainly on applied linguistics. She has published 11 articles on vocabulary teaching and learning, action research and critical thinking abilities in journals like Shandong Foreign Language Teaching Journal, Teaching English in China.

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